Thursday, March 10, 2011

Harlem Elementary Technology Organizational Chart

Matt Flood (Technology Services)- Making sure day to day operations are met in Technology operations, LAN/WAN Services, Computer Services and making sure Campus Tech and Principals needs are met.
Frankie Jackson(TMS Management Oversight)- Making sure day to day operations are met in Technology Access, Technology Procurement, Student/Business Services, and making sure Campus Tech. and Principals needs are met.
Steve Koester (Educational Technology Director)- Making sure day to day operations are met in Technology Procurement, Educational Technology, and making sure Campus Tech. and Principals needs are met.
Andrew Masterson (Technology Operations)- The performance of a technology operations manager is typically measured in terms of their overall effectiveness in providing timely support and maintaining productive, operational and dependable systems.
Dane Morris (LAN/WAN Services Elementary School) - The job of LAN/WAN Support Technician is done for the purpose/s of monitoring the Local and Wide Area Network,
including assisting in the planning, security, analysis, design, development, implementation, configuration, modification, installation, integration, maintenance testing, and the management of networked systems for the transmission of voice, data and video.

Terry Araujo (Computer Services Elementary School) - Making sure Elementary School Tech. and schools computers software and internals are running correctly.

Ian Patton (Computer Services Elementary School) – Making sure Elementary School Tech’s. Schools Wires, Peripherals and printers are up to date and running correctly.

Alan Boudreaux (Campus Technology Specialist) – Making sure campuses computers and all Technology is up to date and working for teachers and administrators and Students. Also keeps principal and administrators informed with the latest information regarding campuses overall HEALTH with regards to technology on Campus.

Louise Reitmeier(Technology Access)- Making sure Districts network and e-mail is working correctly for district.
Joan Dubiel (Technology Procurement)- Technology procurements are reviewed prior to the actual purchase transaction to ensure compliance to IT standards, consistency with enterprise architecture, conformance to agency IT plans, and adherence to procurement best practices.
Diana Wilson (Student/Business Services)- Making sure Students and Business
Services are met with regards to Technology.
Cindy Allen (Technology Procurement)- Technology procurements are reviewed prior to the actual purchase transaction to ensure compliance to IT standards, consistency with enterprise architecture, conformance to agency IT plans, and adherence to procurement best practices.
Terri Rhodes, Rebekka Gabino, Mary Gill, Robyn Sewell (Educational Technology) - Making sure the latest technology is understood and integrated into the classroom via Instruction to personnel and Teachers.

Role of the Principal in making sure Organizational Chart is followed- The role of an administrator is to understand the capabilities and limitations of the technology at their school and around them. It is only then that they can budget money for technology needed, professional development needed, and replacement of technology best suited for the campuses needs. They must hire a good Campus Technolgy Specialist for their school in order so that he/she can report back to them what is and is not working with regards to technolgy on campus. The principal must make sure that the Districts Technology plan is followed so that goals and objectives can be implemented into the Campus improvement plan. The STaR chart is also a great way that a principal can find out in what areas his/her Students and Teachers can and must improve on. If all above data is not used and or implemented there will be failure among ALL on campus with regards to technology.

Professional Development Plan for Integrating Technology:

Staff development should be focused on teaching the existing curriculum with technology. Because of this curriculum and instruction will continue to build because of the use of this technology. This technology will be used to collect data and to analyze it to best serve each student's individual needs. All Classrooms should have connectivity for laptops, interactive white boards, classroom performance systems, document cameras, and more.

Reference analysis and lessons learned about the technology needs report from week 3:

After reviewing both technology plans, I think our District has a great outlook on what is needed for our students with regards to technology. As stated at the round table interview with Dr. Abernathy, Dr. Jenkins and Cindy Cummings, our District GCCISD has the following in their plan that was mentioned in their discussion:

1. They have been using the StaR Chart to find out the needs of teachers, although as
A teacher, I think our Campus can do a better job in letting teachers know what
EXACTLY we use the Star Chart for.
2. Our district is working towards Curriculum and Campus Improvement for
Technological integration. Using technology some may think of as the enemy but I
think our District realizes, as do Dr. Abernathy, Dr. Jenkins and Cindy Cummings,
that we need to embrace the technology our students already possess and use it for
good. This takes all working with stakeholders to get policy changed to allow cell
phones and other tools thought of as taboo to be utilized in the classroom.
3. In our Districts technology plan, they made reference to providing “Staff

Development sessions on Digital Citizenship and validation of Internet resources

have been added”,

which, as Dr. Abernathy, Dr. Jenkins and Cindy Cummings pointed out, is something

our Administrators must lead the way in. Hopefully in these development sessions

they will utilize Project Tomorrow, which gives input as to what is happening

technology -wise across our nation.

Professional Development designed to improve the gathering, analysis and use of data from a variety of sources:

Staff Development session on how to enter benchmark assessments and CBA's for all students that are in the SchoolNet system that way it is accessible to ALL Teachers/Personnel that need to know on campus.

Have a Staff Development session on the significance of STaR chart and the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology.

Staff Development session on how to benefit from the use of TEA’s AEIS data reports.

Professional Development to improve decision making in the integration of technology:

Students and teachers will receive training in Internet safety and digital citizenship.

There should be a Staff development session on multimedia for administrators, teachers and students.
There should be SchoolNet training for all stakeholders.

Have a Staff Development session on the significance of Distance learning via the internet.

Have a Staff Development for teachers on the significance of Electronic portfolios.


Miller, Geraldine. State Board of Education, Texas Education Agency. (2006). Long-range technology plan, 2006-2020 Austin, Texas: Texas Education Agency. Retrieved from
International Society for Technology in Education, (2007). Nets for students 2007. Retrieved from
Jim Shelton, Mike Smith, Karen Cator, and Bernadette Adams Yates, . National Educational Technology Plan Technical Working Group, Office of Educational Technology U.S. Department of Education. (2009). learning powered by technology

Ancess, J. (2000). The reciprocal influence of teacher learning, teaching practice, school restructuring, and student learning outcomes. Teachers College Record, 102(3), 590-619.

Barron, B. (2006). Interest and self-sustained learning as catalysts of development: A learning ecology perspective. Human Development, 49(4), 153-224.

Kubitskey, B. (2006). Extended professional development for systemic curriculum reform. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Scott, Robert, . Texas Education Agency, Texas Education Agency Executive Management. (2008). Progress report on the long-range plan for technology, 2006-2020 Austin, Texas: Texas Education Agency. Retrieved from
GOOSE CREEK CISD, . (2009). Goose creek cisd technology plan for e-rate year 12. Retrieved from

Evaluation Planning for Action Plan- Progress of this plan will be monitored by Campus Administrators, Superintendent, and School Board as well as other members of the Flow chart not mentioned. Evaluations regarding effectiveness will not only come from tested materials but from Teacher evaluations determined by observation of student interaction with the Technology. Information will then be given to Stakeholders regarding progress of student mastery of specific Technology. District Technology e-plan will serve as a guide to make sure goals and objectives are integrated into Campus CIP and into future decisions based off of the STaR chart and Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology.

Assessments for measuring professional development designed to use technology to improve the gathering, analysis and use of data from a variety of sources:

Staff Development session on how to enter benchmark assessments and CBA's for all students that are in the SchoolNet system that way it is accessible to ALL Teachers/Personnel that need to know on campus.

Assessment- Reports and surveys on the ease of use and possible improvements that are needed regarding School Net systems.

Have a Staff Development session on the significance of STaR chart and the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology.

Assessment- Make sure ALL teachers are surveyed on knowledge of both the STaR chart and Texas Long Range Plan for Technology making sure that the data from the two is implemented into our CIP Plan.

Staff Development session on how to benefit from the use of TEA’s AEIS data reports.

Assessment- Teachers lesson plans and planning sessions will be used and looked at to gauge whether AEIS data reports are being used for the betterment of our students.

Assessments for evaluating professional development to improve decision making in the integration of technology with instructional and organizational leadership:

Students and teachers will receive training in Internet safety and digital citizenship.

Assessment- Teacher survey gauging knowledge as to whether internet safety and digital citizenship development was effective.

There should be a Staff development session on multimedia for administrators, teachers and students.
Assessment- Make sure technology is integrated into the curriculum via survey and/or reports and lesson plans.
There should be SchoolNet training for all stakeholders.

Assessment- Making sure timelines are met for implementation and thru our Campus Technology Specialist.

Have a Staff Development session on the significance of Distance learning via the internet.

Assessment- Make sure technology is integrated into the curriculum via survey and/or reports and lesson plans. STaR chart data.

Have a Staff Development for teachers on the significance of Electronic portfolios.

Assessment- Make sure technology is integrated into the curriculum via survey and/or reports and lesson plans. STaR chart data.


Miller, Geraldine. State Board of Education, Texas Education Agency. (2006). Long-range technology plan, 2006-2020 Austin, Texas: Texas Education Agency. Retrieved from
International Society for Technology in Education, (2007). Nets for students 2007. Retrieved from
Jim Shelton, Mike Smith, Karen Cator, and Bernadette Adams Yates, . National Educational Technology Plan Technical Working Group, Office of Educational Technology U.S. Department of Education. (2009). learning powered by technology

Ancess, J. (2000). The reciprocal influence of teacher learning, teaching practice, school restructuring, and student learning outcomes. Teachers College Record, 102(3), 590-619.

Barron, B. (2006). Interest and self-sustained learning as catalysts of development: A learning ecology perspective. Human Development, 49(4), 153-224.

Kubitskey, B. (2006). Extended professional development for systemic curriculum reform. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Scott, Robert, . Texas Education Agency, Texas Education Agency Executive Management. (2008). Progress report on the long-range plan for technology, 2006-2020 Austin, Texas: Texas Education Agency. Retrieved from
GOOSE CREEK CISD, . (2009). Goose creek cisd technology plan for e-rate year 12. Retrieved from

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